The Conway family has had opposing political beliefs for a long time, whether public or not. It has seemed as though they are polar opposites with their different beliefs. Recently, however, news has come that the Conway family is leaving the spotlight. On Sunday, Ms. Kellyanne Conway announced that she would be leaving the white house to focus on her family. Additionally, Mr. George Conway announced that he too would be leaving his position from The Lincoln Project, a group that goes against President Trump.
Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway is a Republican, but has been a strong opponent of the current President. CNN writes, “He’s previously said that Trump is “guilty” of being unfit for office, called for Congress to remove the “cancer” of Trump from the presidency and openly questioned the President’s mental health.” He joined The Lincoln Project as a way to go against Trump and other conservatives. In contrast, Kellyanne Conway has supported and been on President Trump’s staff since his presidency began. The difference between the family has seemed drastically different, but it has gotten even more drastic when their 15-year-old daughter, Claudia Conway, started speaking out on social media.
Claudia’s voice was amplified to an audience when she joined TikTok and began making videos that go against her mother’s beliefs. Claudia claims that her mother has been attempting to stifle her beliefs from being put online. The New York Post writes, “Claudia, who has posted a wave of anti-Trump and pro-Black Lives Matter content on her TikTok, claimed her mother was trying to shut off her phone and pressuring her to delete her social media accounts — even though Kellyanne Conway had previously stated she supported her daughter’s independent expression.” The family was greatly divided by all of their political differences, and they decided there should be a quick change to end the strains.
Therefore, the Conways decided to break away from all of their political disagreeing to focus on the family. Kellyanne Conway wrote regarding her departure, “The past four years have allowed me blessings beyond compare as a part of history on Election Night 2016 and as Senior Counselor to the President. It’s been heady. It’s been humbling.” She talks about how it’s important to set aside their arguments and come together as a family. She writes, “This is completely my choice and my voice. In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.” George Conway also says that he will be leaving his Twitter and The Lincoln Project behind, though he reminds everyone that he still strongly believes in everything they do.
However, though the Conway family seems as though they will be happy away from the scene, Claudia Conway has announced on her Twitter, “I’m officially pushing for emancipation. Buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. Welcome to my life.” In addition, Claudia claims that she isn’t just trying to emancipate because of political differences, but because of abuse and trauma from her mother. The process might be long and unforgiving, but she is attempting it nevertheless.
We hope that the Conway family can receive the results they are going after through this whole ordeal. Many people have a variety of views on the family and their political beliefs, but we should all hope they can figure things out.