This is a continuation of my previous article.
Following up on my previous article, today I will be talking about more FISD updates relating to Learning Styles.
After FISD schools started on August 13, 2020 many changes have or will take place, so I am here to update you about those changes.
Currently Frisco Independent School District is giving parents, guardians, and students the option to switch their students’ schooling option. From September 14 until September 18, you can change from In-Person to Virtual or Virtual to In-Person through the FISD Student Portal. Note, if you are planning to switch learning locations, you will most likely have a schedule change and a change of teachers. If you have decided to change learning locations, the change will be put into action starting from October 19, 2020 the beginning of the second nine weeks of the school year.
More Updates
If you are a middle school student in FISD, middle schools will be switching to a modified block schedule if they haven’t already. During the 2019-2020 school year, four FISD middle schools pilot tested the block schedule program, and the results were amazing. Most teachers wanted to continue the program, thus now the program will be started at all of the FISD middle schools. Every Wednesday and Thursday middle school students will follow a block schedule, whereas on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, they will follow an eight period day. On Wednesdays they will be going to their 1, 3, 5, and 7th period classes, and on Thursdays they will be going to their 2, 4, 6, 8th period classes.
FISD has been utilizing Canvas, Nearpod, Zoom, and other online platforms to teach lessons. Even though it may still be hard to adjust to all of these changes, including the changes in teaching platforms, it will get better. Everybody in FISD is working hard to create an amazing 2020-2021 school year together.
On that note, I hope you have a good rest of your day and good rest of your week!