This article was originally published on August 5, 2020.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. – Desmond Tutu
Today I will be highlighting two groups who are bringing hope, an all-girls robotics team and Be the Change Coloring Co.
An all-girls robotics team based in Afghanistan decided to take a stand against the lack of ventilators in their country and use their knowledge of building robots to help many people. Using their knowledge, they built a ventilator that costs significantly less to produce compared to other ventilators. They decided to model part of their ventilator design after MIT’s ventilator designs and through old car parts and assistance from experts at Harvard University, they were able to build a ventilator that cost $700 rather than the regular price of $20,000. Currently, their ventilator is being approved to use in hospitals, but if their ventilator prototype gets accepted, it will be able to be used all over the world to help many people’s lives.

Next, I will be highlighting four Long Beach Polytechnic High School students: Lauryn Hong, Ella Matlock, Sofia Migliazza, and Erin Rogers. Together these four turned a high school economics project into their own company, Be the Change Coloring Co., which has raised thousands of dollars to donate to multiple organizations. Their company creates coloring and storybooks that help explain problems in our society to children. They currently have two books available to buy on their website, COVID Coloring Book (Available to buy on their website Be the Change Coloring Co.) and Stand Up for Your-Shell-Ves (Available for Pre-Order). In their books, they have three main characters, Al E. Gator, Sam the Snail, and Wally the Narwhal, who explain every topic in a child-friendly way, making it entertaining and fun for children to read.

All of our lives have been turned upside down, and we may not be able to do everything we used to be able to. However, with a little bit of hope, we can get through this time. Stay safe and healthy!