The Texas Water Crisis

Every time we drink water, we usually don’t think about all the chemicals that made their way into the water. In places like Texas, the toxicity levels in water are dangerously high. Pollution, watershed, marine debris. The causes of the high toxicity levels in Texas are endless. The effects of water pollution are extremely hazardous and the situation will increasingly get worse without the proper desire to end it.

What is Water Pollution

Water pollution is when a body of water (river, lake, ocean) gets contaminated with toxic and hazardous materials resulting in the release of dangerous chemicals which slowly infiltrating the water causing it to become unsanitary. This water can cause disastrous damage to our health and the environment. 

Groundwater Pollution

When it rains, the water seeps through the crevices and into the ground. Once it is there, it is considered groundwater which is like an underground water storage system. Groundwater is the source of water for many people. Sometimes, as the rain falls into the ground, it carries chemicals from pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers causing the groundwater to become toxic. This groundwater sometimes goes towards agricultural purposes. The plants that receive this water could perish. 

Chemical Waste Dumping

You may have seen images or videos featuring a pipe dumping out loads of waste into a lake or river. This is another disastrous way that water becomes polluted. Many factories tend to dump out toxic materials into rivers. The thick black materials are nothing but dangerous chemicals. The toxic materials dissolve in the water and not only pollute the water but also the wildlife around them. According to “And in terms of a measurement that compares pollutants according to how toxic they are, Texas is without rival. According to the report, Texas produced 34 million “toxicity-weighted pounds” in 2012 — 30 times more than the next state, and more than double the rest of the country combined. Almost all of that toxicity comes from one source: the Dow Chemical Company plant in Freeport.” 

Marine Debris

As stated by EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency ) “Trash can travel throughout the world’s rivers and oceans, accumulating on beaches and within gyres. This debris harms physical habitats, transports chemical pollutants, threatens aquatic life, and interferes with human uses of river, marine and coastal environments.” Marine debris is a serious problem. It pollutes groundwater and threatens people’s main source of water. 

Effects of Water Pollution

The effects of water pollution to humans are beyond detrimental. Diseases such as cholera, giardia, and typhoid make their way into water infecting people with their harmful material. Many have even reported that they have gotten cancer from water pollution. The more saddening fact is that over 3.3 million people die from water contamination each year. If we don’t do something, this situation will become more dire than it already is.

The effect of water contamination on the environment is extremely disastrous . The water pollution problems effects not only plants but animals too. Soil looses its rich nutrients, plants fail to thrive, animals have limited access to food. Sometimes, when animals go to a stream to drink some water, they become very ill. In some cases, they could catch a disease and spread it to others. All of these problems due to water pollution

A Solution

Fortunately, there are various solutions to this upsetting complication. If all of us pitch in, a clean, water pollution free world is in sight.

Reduce your plastic consumption: Use reusable materials. Use a cloth bag for groceries instead of plastic. Use reusable straws instead of plastic ones. 

Avoid using pesticides or weed killers: These chemicals are dangerous and can do more harm than good. Reduce the use of pesticides to make our environment healthier.

Purchase a filter: If you don’t have one already, purchase a filter to make sure that the water you are drinking is safe.