This article was originally published on August 17, 2020.
Arushi Singh is the Texas ambassador for the national non-profit ThinkSTEAM. Under their banner, she will be running a workshop via Zoom to help teenage girls tackle writing science fiction. The workshop targets girls who are in the 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade enrolled in either PAP ILA or on-level ILA, however, if you are interested but don’t meet these criteria, you are also welcome to join.
We encourage you to check out this workshop if you have a love for science and writing. The workshop helps students write science fiction by providing them with step-by-step instructions to guide them along the writing process. By the end of the workshop, students will have written a sci-fi short story and leave with the knowledge of how science fiction inspires innovation.
The workshop will start with an exploration of how the science-fiction world is connected to the real world. Then, the students will be walked through the science-fiction writing process while writing their own sci-fi short story. The workshop will end with a discussion about the students’ favorite science-fiction authors and their works.
The science fiction writing workshop will take place on August 29, which is a Saturday. It will be from 2 to 3 pm in Central Standard Time. For the workshop, you will need a laptop or paper and a pencil, depending on which you prefer to write on.
To sign up, go to The latest you can sign up is August 28, but we recommend you sign up as soon as possible if interested due to the workshop only being able to host ten students. The workshop is also completely free. Moreover, two days before the workshop, the Zoom link will be emailed to you.
We strongly encourage you to join the workshop if you have a love for science fiction writing. The workshop will be jampacked with writing tips and exciting discussions, which you will not want to miss out on, so sign up as soon as possible!