Amidst this unfortunate time surrounding the worldwide pandemic, there has not been much opportunity for showcasing art and expressing creativity to others. With very little places open and many restrictions being enforced for necessary precautions, it’s been a hard time for artists to present themselves and their work. However, Tate Bladon, a student at Wakeland High School, decided to create a fun initiative for sharing art and renovating areas in downtown Frisco.
Realizing that through this difficult and challenging time, he could use his art for good, he devised a plan. He started an Instagram account called “Frisco Murals,” developing an idea of making murals on walls at different areas in Frisco. He states in his first post, “Frisco Murals is a platform for people in Frisco/DFW area to reach out to buildings to paint murals.” In fact, it’s not just Bladon that is participating. Frisco Arts states on their Instagram, “Big congrats to muralists Tate Bladon of Wakeland HS, Oakley Cardwell and Sarvesh Chidabaram from Memorial HS, and their mural helpers!”
For his first project, he thought of his neighbors, the people who run an escape room company called Countdown 2 Escape, and decided to paint a mural for them. His Instagram states, “He started this Instagram account because he is painting a mural at Countdown 2 Escape in downtown Frisco.” The event took place on Saturday, October 19. Anyone was welcome to come and watch the artists paint the mural and show their talents. Frisco Arts’ Instagram reads, “Stop by 6963 Main Street in Frisco to take a look!” The mural is up currently and everyone is encouraged to stop by and look at it!
While painting the mural, all participants wore their masks and distanced themselves, following safety protocols. This initiative helped bring the arts to new areas, and the members are still hoping to continue painting and pursuing their art in the future. They are hoping for more opportunities to paint murals and invite new artists, as their Instagram states, “We want to paint more murals in the Frisco area, if we can be of help to you or you can be of help to us that would be great! If you have any mural opportunities for us to be a part of let us know! And if you want to get in touch with someone about painting a mural we can help you out!”
Painting murals and adding art to buildings is not just a great way for artists to enjoy themselves, but it is also a great way for companies and businesses to brighten their area. Grace McCammond, a talented muralist, once stated, “Murals build a sense of community.” In a time of continuous negativity, opportunities and events like these bring a sense of hope that people are still trying to embrace their passions for good causes.
High school isn’t easy, and even through all of his homework and duties, Bladon still keeps up with his passions. He even has an Instagram account dedicated to his artwork and illustrations. In this time, it’s great to experience your passions and to use them in a great way that benefits others.
If you are interested in learning more about the murals and would like to help or be involved in some way, visit @Friscomurals on Instagram.