Welcome to the third part of the Kids Who are Bringing Hope Series! Today we will be highlighting Leo Perry, a 7-year-old boy who started a movement.
Leo Perry, a 7-year-old boy, and his mother, Claire Perry were on their way home from a Black Lives Matter protest when Leo was wondering how kids could prevent injustice. A little later his mom was on a work call, and she found Leo outside dancing. His goal was to raise money for the Black Lives Matter movement. Leo and his mother titled this idea Dance for Justice. (They would later add on the Justice for Kids movement.) Posting dance videos on Instagram (@leo_a_perry), raising $18,000+ through the Justice for Kids GoFundMe page, Leo Perry is truly the epitome of taking a stand. As Leo said in an interview with NBC News Kids, he started Justice for Kids to “encourage kids to do what they love to do to spread more love.” Leo truly has a heart of gold, he proves to all of us that all you need to take a stand is an idea, and before you know it you will have started a movement.
“Hope is being able to see there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Leo Perry embodies this quote, he saw an injustice in society and decided to push forward a movement. He truly has made his mark on this world, as his movement continues to flourish more and more people will begin to realize the injustice that is racism. Linked below will be the Justice for Kids GoFundMe page, if possible please take time to support this movement. Thank you for visiting the Voice of Frisco website! Have a good day!