For my article this week, I used some excerpts of a blog I started when online school was in full gear. This was just to add some flavor to my cliche inspiration.
3/17 – It’s Tuesday. I’m struggling trying to find words to describe the situation around me. In addition to the people suffering from COVID-19, is the weather suffering too? News of this pandemic has not only sparked terror in humans, but it has also drained the skies.
Last Monday marked the start of a new beginning. After two months of toiling in every class, Monday arrived and I was tucked away in my white blanket. When I woke up, I didn’t need to hear the news from my parents. Instead, I saw it. The skies. It was as if the skies lost their energy. They didn’t move and interact with the blueness around them. They were still; unaffected but affected at the same time. A few minutes later, they cried and cried and cried for what seemed like eternity. They are still crying. Even today.
They understand us. They can’t see COVID-19 take the lives of people that made them seem important by playing underneath them. Why is this pandemic affecting our nature?
4/2 –
“Coronavirus interrupted our lives. Now it’s invading our dreams.”
When you think about it, COVID-19 has pretty much affected everything. From having an adequate supply of toilet paper and organic produce to children thinking twice about going to the park to play, COVID-19 made sure to have its presence known. In a situation like this, each person has the power to change the world. Just inviting a friend over could harm the world each person at a time.
The main question is: What is it that I won’t let COVID-19 take away from me?
I won’t let COVID-19 take away the joy of playing and sharing music with if no one else, then my family. Even though all in-person classes have been suspended, at least I get to still see my teachers through screen. This means that I have no excuse to not get better both academically and emotionally.
Music has always been an important part of my life. In my family, I am the only musician and that’s why it’s crucial to share my music. After all, if music can amalgamate the world at concerts and events, then can it not unite a family? It definitely can. COVID-19 did take things away from me, but it left one thing that will not budge: music.
4/12 – While I was snuggling in my blanket and watching TV, my father randomly asked me a question. He said: “Manyaa, why should we be kind to rude people?” My answer was: “Umm.. because we should be nice to everyone.” There were two reasons why I gave such a vague and dull answer:
1) I found the question to be dumb.
My father was disappointed with the lackluster response. I pretty much tuned out a few lines after that, but then he answered his own question.
The answer:
“Rudeness comes from a roaring pain inside a person and when you are kind to that person, you heal their pain.”
Today (7/23) –
Before COVID-19: Friends, family, food, water, shelter, clothing, music, me.
Now: Friends, family, food, water, shelter, clothing, music, a stronger me.
It’s a challenge. But not one we can’t handle.