Actress Naya Rivera, who previously starred on “Glee,” was found dead on July 8th; her body was spotted in Lake Piru, a lake that’s depth ranges from 35-60ft. Naya Rivera was beloved by many, and countless amounts of people are mourning this devastating incident. Her family in particular have, “been at the lake every day holding out hope and communicating with our investigators,” said Bill Ayub, a sheriff who spoke about the circumstances.
Naya Rivera and her four-year-old son had rented a boat on Lake Piru and when her rental wasn’t returned at the right time, a search began in order to find her. Rivera and her son’s rental boat was spotted, but her son, sleeping, was the only one inside. The four-year-old was wearing a lifejacket, but there was a second life jacket lying in the boat. It is assumed that this extra life jacket was intended to be used by Naya Rivera.
Her son stated that he saw his mother go in the water and that she then vanished. Rivera’s body was later found in the lake and has been confirmed as dead. Stated by CNN, “Ayub said investigators are “confident” the body found was Rivera, but the body is still being taken to Ventura County Coroner’s Office, where it will be identified through dental records.” Further explaining the dreadful event, Ayub also said, “She mustered enough energy to get her son back onto the boat, but not enough to save herself.” Rivera seemed to have saved her son, but without a lifejacket, she was swept into the lake to her untimely demise.
Rivera began her career when she was four years old, appearing on, “The Royal Family.” She showed her face on a few other shows but is most famous for her role as Santana Lopez on “Glee,” in which she was featured in 116 episodes. What makes this event even more devastating is that this is not the first death of a star in the series, “Glee.” In fact, it’s not even the second. Cory Monteith and Mark Salling, former stars in “Glee,” both died as well. All of these three actors were only in their thirties when they passed away. Although Cory Monteith’s reason for death was due to drug overdose and Mark Salling from suicide, it is shown that, according to The New York Times, “The authorities said they believed Ms. Rivera had accidentally drowned.” Therefore, though this death is heartbreaking, there is no sign of suicide or drug-related intentions.
This tragic loss is not going unnoticed. Rivera’s friends and co-stars from “Glee” have posted heartwarming messages about their friendship and her wonderful personality. Chris Colfer, one of the stars on “Glee” posted, “How can you summarize a decade of friendship and laughter with words alone? If you were friends with Naya Rivera, you simply can’t.” We share many condolences to Rivera’s family and friends and are grieving this horrendous event. Rest in peace Naya; your legacy will be forever remembered.