If you are a sports fan then you must know that the entire sports world came to a halt in Mid-March as the COVID 19 pandemic grew around the globe. The National Basketball Association was the first major North American sports league to suspend its season and was quickly followed by the National Hockey League. After months of delay, numerous obstacles, and dozens of positive COVID-19 tests in the US, the NBA, Major League Soccer, as well as Major League Baseball have decided to resume play.
The games are being played in empty stadiums in what are being called “ghost matches.” Players and coaches will likely be segregated with their families through the end of July. They will train in small groups and be tested regularly, but why all the trouble just to play the final matches behind closed doors? Some top divisions in England, Spain, Germany, and many other countries are likely to lose $4 billion dollars in broadcasting and sponsorship if the season is not continued. Many leagues and clubs will lose millions if the English Premier League were to declare the season void which will lead to a major financial loss. So continuing the sports season may be a risk for some players but the hindrance of losing money is something that sports industries don’t want to jeopardize.
“This time is completely different because it involves whether fans will feel comfortable sitting among strangers, It’s not just a financial challenge, it’s a health problem.” – Marc Ganis, a consultant who advises NFL, NBA, MLB teams
So how will these teams maintain social distancing throughout this pandemic? Of course, all the players will be pretty happy to return to playing professional sports but they will want to remain safe and social distance. Well as I mentioned before there won’t be big crowds during matches and the players will certainly social distance with their families and wait 2 weeks in quarantine before meeting them again. Some basketball teams/players will also be staying in what is called the Orlando Bubble. There will be 22 teams inside the league’s bubble environment at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The players will be staying in three hotels, the Gran Destino, Grand Floridian, and the Yacht Club. Even though fans will not be able to go to the games, the players staying inside of the Orlando Bubble will be able to attend the other matches.
Many sports enthusiasts may think that since no one will be able to go to the games it is absolutely redundant but I can assure you that watching from home can be just as entertaining. Watching these games and following up on sports can give you something else to focus on during the coronavirus and can be thrilling to yearn for a team’s victory. So let the games begin!