As many know, this past week was Transgender Awareness Week (or TAW). This week is a week dedicated to remembering the violence those who are transgender faced and accepting people who are transgender. At the end of the week, there is the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which was this past Friday, the 20th.
What is TAW, really? TAW is a week in November that celebrates the acceptance of transgender people and brings awareness to the Transgender Day of Remembrance. This day signifies and honors the people who lost their lives for being who they are and fighting for equality. Bringing awareness to this day helps people understand what these people face and the necessity to dissolve the stigma around it.
The pandemic and the recent presidential election has definitely taken a toll on most. However, we request that you can think about the positions of those who are discriminated against just because of their race, gender identity, and sexuality. With the increase of anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses, the people facing prejudice need more support than ever.
It is inspiring to see how those who are transgender continue fighting for the rights they deserve. Feel free to join in with the support! We suggest you reach out to those who are transgender, share stories, start conversations, listen, and show empathy to help raise awareness during this time.
Even today, those who are transgender face an extreme amount of struggles. In 2019, 40 percent of transgender and nonbinary youth reported being physically threatened or harmed in their lifetime due to their gender identity. In fact, kids and teens who come out to their parents face a lot from their parents. Other than the daily struggles they face due to the stigma around them, 31 states lack legal protections for transgender people. Those who are transgender are more likely to get bullied, be homeless, face hate crimes, and have their rights constantly up to debate. We, too, can help these people get the equality they deserve. It’s never too late to help.