Holidays worth remembering from this week!

Hi! During this week, we celebrated three holidays, which all raised awareness for significant matters. Hopefully, this article will help you learn more about each of them.

World Mental Health Day

On October 10, people from different countries celebrated World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day serves as a reminder to take care of your mental health and look out for those who need support. The COVID-19 pandemic had an immense impact on people’s mental health, making this day significant in today’s time. According to the World Health Organization, during the World Health Assembly in May 2021, governments recognized the need to scale up quality mental health services at all levels, allowing us to have optimism for the future of mental health services. It is undeniable that mental health issues are common. However, as stated by the WHO, “relatively few people (in) the world have access to quality mental health services.” Having campaigns such as World Mental Health Day make a difference, as it helps bring the spotlight on mental health. On that note, remember to take care of yourself!

National Coming Out Day

On October 11, we celebrated National Coming Out Day to support the LGBTQ+ community. First recognized in 1988, the holiday emphasizes how the most basic form of LGBTQ+ activism is living life as an openly LGBTQ+ person. Robert Eichberg and Jean O’ Leary, two LGBTQ+ activists, inaugurated NCOD. October 11 was when the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights took place, making it the perfect date to celebrate NCOD. There is no right or wrong way to come out. Furthermore, as So.Informed and the Trever Project stated, “hopefully, one day, coming out won’t be newsworthy or necessary at all because we will have reached a greater level of understanding and acceptance for LGBTQ people everywhere.”

Indigenous People’s Day

Last but not least, we celebrated Indigenous People’s Day on October 11. The federal holiday honors Native Americans and commemorates their histories and cultures. As Emma Bowman stated in her article for NPR, “this year marks the first time a U.S. president has officially recognized Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” President Biden indeed released a proclamation on October 11 to recognize Indigenous People’s Day, shifting focus from Columbus Day. American history has long glorified European explorers, including Christopher Columbus, who have committed violence against Native Americans. It is beautiful to see that Indigenous People’s Day is slowly getting the recognition it deserves.

That’s all I have for now. Stay safe, and thank you for reading!