Interview with Fashion Blogger, Hannah Oh

Known for her blog Honey & Hannah, Hannah Oh is a fashion blogger working her way into the fashion industry. Do read my interview with her below!

Can you please tell us about yourself?

Sure! My name is Hannah Oh, I’m a junior at Drexel University in Philly and I’m studying a major I custom-designed called Digital Fashion Media and Marketing! I do lots of things on the side (selling on Poshmark, fashion blogging, and social media, freelance writing, etc)

How has your experience been as a fashion student at Drexel University?

The past 3 years have been such a whirlwind — I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by really driven, passionate people at Drexel so it’s not hard to feel super driven to pursue crazy amazing career things when everyone around you is wanting to do the same!

Do you have any advice for others who are interested in studying fashion-related majors?

If you’re planning on going into a fashion-related major, I recommend doing a ton of research. Fashion is a really broad field and there are several career paths you could pursue that require you to study different things. If you want to go into fashion design you need to specifically major in fashion design, if you want to work for a magazine you could major in journalism, if you’re looking to work in the retail space you’d get a fashion business degree, etc. There are a ton of resources out there that’ll help you narrow down your path!

What pushed you to pursue fashion?

I never thought that I was going to pursue fashion even though I’ve always loved it. I honestly applied to so many different majors when senior year rolled around, but when I discovered the custom-design program at Drexel I kind of let myself play around with the idea of studying a digital-focused fashion media major. It felt like I wasn’t making any compromises in what I was going to pursue my career so I ran with it!

Can you please tell our readers more about your blog, Honey & Hannah?

I started writing in it seriously when COVID-19 hit as a way to showcase my writing skills, talk about movies/tv-shows/fashion in a critical, analytical way, and as a creative outlet. I could be better about posting consistently but I do find it to be really fun to write for Honey & Hannah as a way to supplement the fashion content I put out on social media with more long-form content. It also functions as somewhat of a portfolio, I have a few blog posts in my clippings that I send out when applying to internships!

Speaking of internships, how has your experience been as a JVBCOM intern?

I’ve been working remotely as their editorial intern since September which has been such an amazing learning opportunity, and will be transitioning from editorial to styling intern at the end of this month! I’m way too excited to get started. I really admire the whole team and I know I’m going to learn so much from all of them.

Can you please tell our readers about your social media platforms?

My primary focus is on Instagram, and I’m also on TikTok and Pinterest! I post a lot of fashion and lifestyle content because I like using social media as a creative outlet like I love a fashion magazine so I find curating a visually appealing feed to be really fun. I post a lot of TikToks and Reels that are informative when it comes to fashion trends, styling, vintage fashion, places to shop, etc – it’s been really dope being able to talk to so many girls who DM me for advice on everything pursuing fashion as a major or career to the best way to style new pieces that they bought. I don’t feel particularly “influential” though, I just like watching and posting fashion content and have lots of fun interacting with my audience. That’s all!

Some time ago, you announced that you were working on some amazing projects. Can you say anything about them?

Just some cool brands that I’m going to be working with! It’s exciting to be creating content in partnership with brands that I already enjoy and talk about pretty regularly.

What are some fashion trends you are loving currently?

I’m loving the resurgence of 60’s mod floral prints, checkerboard prints, tinted sunglasses, and relaxed menswear-inspired silhouettes!

Do you have any advice for teenagers?

Middle school/high school may feel super big and important now but there are much bigger, better things to come (:

Where can people find you?

People can find me at @hannahohx on Instagram/TikTok/Pinterest and at!

I hope you enjoyed reading my interview with Hannah Oh! Please do check her out! Thank you for reading, and stay safe!