What is Islam? An Interview

Hello, readers of Voice of Frisco! I am here today with an interview with a Muslim dietician. Throughout this interview, I will provide you with insight that she gave me over her religion and some things you should know.

What religion do you follow? What are the beliefs?

I am Muslim. Muslims are followers of the religion Islam, the second-largest religion in the world, following Christianity, of course. Our beliefs revolve around five pillars. The first is believing in God. The second is charity, which is giving back to the community and yourself. The third is religious fasting. The fourth is prayer. Finally, the fifth is the pilgrimage to Mecca.

What would you say are some of the stereotypes surrounding Muslims?

I feel as though most people believe extremists are the stereotypes for a religion. There are extremists in every religion. The people that you see on TV are just extremists of these religions, not true Muslims. Islam is a peaceful religion that does not promote hate, violence, or abuse. The people doing these actions are just hiding behind religion as an excuse.

Do not lose hope, nor be sad

Quran 3: 139

How does somebody become Muslim?

Anybody can convert. It’s really just about believing in the basic beliefs of the religion and practicing the five pillars.

How is Islam similar to other major religions?

All religions are very similar with similar concepts, such as prayer and worship. Similar to Judaism, Muslims don’t eat pork. A Kosher diet is similar to the Halal diet.

Can you tell me a bit about your clothing?

What I am wearing is called a Hijab. Muslim women cover their hair by wearing a head covering, called a hijab. In Islam, Muslim women who wear the hijab wear conservative clothing that covers all body parts except for hands, face, and feet. Hijabs are symbols of modesty, to preserve your beauty to only certain people. You don’t have to wear it in front of family members, children, and women. It’s typically required for women to start wearing hijab when they reach puberty.

Would you say that Muslim women are oppressed and get fewer opportunities?

Not at all. A common misconception is that people think Muslim women are oppressed. In fact, they have many rights, such as work, education, keeping maiden names, and owning businesses.

Thank you for reading this article. If you would like to learn more about this religion, feel free to do some credible research and look into other world cultures. Thank you!